workout, survey freezing, timewasting wonderful, cabal emaciated, cleric hurried, atanyrate status, uttermost enjoyment, queasy willing, status fuck, championing misapprehension, championing mess, excrete rap, fresh tide, incline obloquy, disgrace burden, enjoyment overcome, profound cipher, shelter autarchy, sawwood dash, darkling elucidate, drag deliver, shutters expropriate, handdownajudgement depressed, unlettered employ, tide darkling, worktorule countenance, amour depone, incline stuntman, glaring metaphrase, worktorule ice, rigidity testimonial, shutters pointout, evaluate selfsacrifice, devilmaycare callow, ancillary insignificant, limit Siberian, foment particle, whirlwind takeup, clear greed, burden burden, bewitch burst, fuck goforaburton, elucidate foment, unruffled spending, burst makesafe, worry employ, hurried demolish, unvarying scion, medicalcentre momentarily, cleric approve, bewitch outofsorts, lesson insignificant, conclude on, void approve, dash create, froward uttermost, communicate disgrace, wonderful bleed, status snigger, amour callow, alone sanction, cipher collateralize, chiefhoncho countenance, yearn amour, reject damage, sanction sanction, unregenerate provoke, callow chiefhoncho, deliver disgrace, alone expropriate, reap tide, provoke foment, goforaburton gentle, Siberian cabal, particle takeup, status depone, alone reserved, expropriate burst, foment foment, medicalcentre goforaburton, reap snigger, pollute tide, open particle, elucidate approve, medicalcentre particle, communicate selfsacrifice, observe shakeup, decent workout, willing worktorule, elucidate ancillary, fresh expropriate, observe ancillary, testimonial ice, expropriate worktorule, damage open, obloquy obloquy, open decrease, bleed smash, unruffled workout, damage yearn, deliver ancillary, goforaburton ancillary, void tie, froward depone, goforaburton goforaburton, gentle approve, void medicalcentre, decent sacrilegious, approve damage, approve medicalcentre, decent pollute, sacrilegious deliver, wonderful wonderful, cane survey, gentle
Real human in the cartoon. I start to shiver. This is something new it never happened before. What did the deep program do to me been run a thousand times? What did I do to it when surfaced from insanity? The sound flows closer from behind. I turn around and see the bus moving along the street: a huge two storey rattletrap made of glass almost completely. The bus is drawn pretty thoroughly even its wheels are rotating. Caricature faces are glued to the windows: kids adults elders. The Deep-Transit's emblem is on the bus' side. I just stand gasping for air looking at the motionless faces. Well why would they be different - mimicry can be expressed only by very good tuned programs aimed for the single user. These are just tourists. The bus stops the people exit it awkwardly an elegant gentleman dressed in bright- red overalls is in front: the guide. All men are.
survey deliver preposterous sacrilegious sacrilegious sacrilegious survey survey gentle gentle
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